First there’s the cynical Hana. Now 19 years old, she lives in Echo Park. This Hana is worried those months in 2018 she spent on a whirlwind record cycle off her striking first EP How Many Times Have You Driven By might have been bullshit. Then there’s the optimist Hana, who has spent the past five years chasing that dream anyway. This is the Hana that began songwriting at 13 and kept at it until she made that dream a reality with a record deal last year. Despite coming up as a DIY songwriter, the optimist Hana still loves the idea of the old-school manufactured pop sensation.
“I’ve come to realize that the reason I make music is because it is inherent to me—I need to write in order to process my existence—but the reason I release music is completely separate: I just want attention,” she jokes. “I know from living here that I’m never going to stop wanting more.”
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